Admin Panel
Any user can create a proudction company. This can be done in the user profile admin panel by clicking the "Create Company" button, this will create a production company with the user as an admin member. The user can then add other users to the production company.
The production company can then be used to create productions with events/participants and vacancies.
To publish any production, event, participant or vacancy the production company must first be varified. This can be done by clicking the "Verify Company" button in the company settings panel. This will send a request to the admin team to varify the company. Production companies will be automatically verified if they contain a user with an email address.
Admin members of a production company can create productions. Productions can be created by clicking the "Create Production" button in the company's production page.
For a production to be public it must be published, once you are happy with the production you can publish by toggling the "Published" switch in the specific production's settings panel.
A production can contain multiple events. Events can be created by clicking the "Add Event" button in the specific production's page. Events must have a start date/time and optionally an end date/time along with a venue. Currently the platform has a list of venues that can be selected from, if the venue you require is not in the list please contact the admin team.
The events created are visible on the main Oscar Ox calendar page only when the production is published and company is verified.
A production can contain multiple participants. Participants can be created by clicking the "Add Participant" button in the specific production's page. Participants must link to a registered user, contain a role title and belong to a category e.g. Crew.
A production can contain multiple vacancies. Vacancies can be created by clicking the "Add Vacancy" button in the specific production's page. Vacancies must contain a title, description and belong to a category e.g. Crew.
Upon creation of a vacancy an email will be sent to all users who have subscribed to the category of the vacancy. Users can subscribe to when creating/editing their profile.
To publish a vacancy the production compnany must be verified. This can be done by clicking the "Verify Company" button in the company settings panel. This will send a request to the admin team to varify the company. Production companies will be automatically verified if they contain a user with an email address.
Feature coming soon...